Participating Centers Tournaments Scholarship Request Form

The Grand Prix Scholarship Program, originally developed in Texas, has been adopted by the Iowa Bowling Proprietors’ Assn. Iowa is among more than thirty states nationwide participating in the Grand Prix.
The Iowa BPA is a cooperative non-profit membership association of bowling establishments throughout the state of Iowa performing a variety of promotional, management and technical services for its member establishments.
Well over 70% of the finest commercial bowling centers in Iowa of all sizes - have joined together in a mutual cause to accomplish collectively, that which cannot be done on an individual basis in promoting the industry and the game of bowling. The Grand Prix program is just one example of this joint endeavor.
Your local bowling center, by virtue of distribution of the leaflet is a participating member of the Iowa Bowling Proprietors’ Association - the proprietors who care.
WHO? Every youth in the state of Iowa can earn IOWA BPA GRAND PRIX SCHOLARSHIP DOLLARS by bowling in an Iowa BPA Member establishment. This Scholarship program rewards PARTICIPATION, unlike most that tend to reward size, speed or skill. Since every youth bowler in Iowa is eligible to enroll and participate in this Grand Prix Scholarship Program ... It is truly a program where "EVERYONE IS A WINNER"- the YOUTH, the PARENTS and the PROPRIETOR.
WHAT? This Scholarship Program is an exclusive activity conducted in Iowa BPA Member Bowling Centers and is open to all youth bowlers that have not graduated from high school. Pre-school youths are considered eligible to participate.
- Enrolled youth bowlers accumulate "points" when participating in league bowling, tournaments, and other related bowling activities.
- Each year the points are converted into Grand Prix Scholarship Dollars and are credited under the Youth Bowler’s name until they graduate from High School.
- The more bowling activities a youth participates in each year, the more points (scholarship dollars) will be earned and credited to the individual youth account.
WHEN? In order to get started in the program, a youth bowler must apply for registration at a participating Iowa BPA Member Center. The annual registration fee is $6.00 per youth.
To remain eligible, the youth bowler must remain in a local Grand Prix Scholarship youth bowling program each year until they graduate from high school.
When a youth bowler graduates from high school and enrolls in some kind of advanced education beyond the high school level such as College, University, Trade School or a recognized institution of specialized training, the accumulated scholarship dollars are paid to the educational institution on behalf of the youth bowler. Enrollment must be within 18 months after graduation from high school.
WHY? Year in and year out bowling has the largest number of participants of any organized sport. Most athletic scholarships are awarded on the basis of performance, size and special skills. The Grand Prix Scholarship Program concept is based on PARTICIPATION and bowling is a sport that is lifetime in nature and can be played year-round by boys, girls, men and women of all ages and physical attributes. In addition, the Grand Prix Scholarship Program is designed to keep youth bowlers in a bowling program throughout high school and beyond. It is a program that will provide community awareness and elevate the image of bowling among educators, parents and the general public.
HOW? In order to develop and maintain this as the largest scholarship fund in any sport, it will take the combined effort of every Iowa BPA Proprietor on the local and state level.
Statewide fund-raising programs will be developed and conducted to fund the program. Corporate sponsors will be solicited to enhance the fund raising efforts. In-house fund-raising activities will be conducted by the Youth Leagues following suggested guidelines which will be provided.
100% of all funds raised will be returned to all registered youth bowlers in the form of Scholarship Dollars.