About Iowa BPA

The Iowa Bowling Proprietors Association is a cooperative non-profit membership association of bowling establishments throughout the state of Iowa performing a variety of promotional, management and technical services for its member establishments.

Our mission statement: 

The Iowa BPA will improve the profitability of member centers; increase the public awareness and industry-relevant knowledge of the bowling centers in Iowa; manage and represent the business of the association as directed by the board and its officers.


Iowa BPA Officers & Directors


Dues are charged on a per lane basis and are payable on a calendar year (January 1st - December 31st).  New members pay dues on a monthly pro-rated basis for the unexpired portion of the year.  State (IBPA) and national (BPAA) dues are paid through BPAA.

BPAA $29 per lane.
IBPA $50 per lane.
Total Cost $79 per lane.

By taking advantage of our revenue generating and cost saving programs, many of our members see a return on Investment that exceeds the cost of membership!
